This will be quick. The 35 card 1955 Barratt Mickey's Sweet Cigarette set was released, as best understood by me, to be a single card with candy cigarettes. Based on the two pack "wrappers" that I have in my possession (front/back images attached), I would estimate that 4-5 candy cigarettes were placed in these packs. The goal of Barratt was to sell candy and the aspect of a card was a novelty. Again, my opinion.
What's interesting is that the other item shown is a box that I understand to contain the 1957 Mickey's Sweet Cigarette cards (50 card checklist) whereby the orange box likely contained 10-12 candy cigarettes, with a card packed inside.
I have no more specific information than this other than examining the packaging.
If the community could locate and identify for me in-tact packaging of either the 1955 or the 1957 Mickey's Sweet Cigarette packs, that would be fantastic.