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Jun 14

Any Lewis Hamilton collectors out there?

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Bought this 2007-08 Lewis Hamilton card years ago as it was the earliest card of his I had come across at the time. Anyone familiar with this card or set? Is it worth crossing to PSA? Have no idea if F1 collectors would value it. I'm asking because I'd probably plan to sell if it it has any reasonable value.

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Auto Racing


formula 1

lewis hamilton

Stirling Moss signed and numbered book he wrote about Juan Manuel Fangio

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I collected and sold auto racing books, mostly Formula 1 and once bought a collection from Stirling Moss' personal library that included signed bookplates...however this was a newly released book in the late 80s that I got

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Took me a month, but I finally found it!

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PiggyBanx has a small, but growing and fanatical fan-base, so it took me a long time digging through old instagram posts and obscure connections to locate this one. But I finally landed my Hamilton! OG piece, and can finally be almost as cool as @sweetpea since he has the OG OG variation.

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Snagged this in a trade last week...

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To @sweetpea's point earlier about how building community is key, it was precisely by interacting with other PiggyBanx/F1 collectors that I landed this piece in a trade last week. If you think about the User Journey of a collector, the next logical step after a community forum is transactions (buying/selling/trading). Engagement goes through the roof when you're able to create that marketplace ecosystem.

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