Surreal that I picked up this Project 22 card of Eric Cantona by artist Neil Stevens at the Burbank show on Saturday. Ironically, Cantona is pictured dressed as a king in this collectible. I think I may know where Mr. Stevens found the inspiration for the design. Oasis announced today that the brothers are making up after 15 years and they will tour in 2025. What do Oasis and Cantona have to do with each other - well, quite a lot. While the Gallagher boys are huge Manchester City fans, Liam always respected Eric during his playing days at fierce rivals Manchester United. Catona put out an Instagram of himself singing Liam's song Once - which led to this. . Liam then described how that all went down. Liam Gallagher talking about Eric Cantona doing the video for Once - YouTube
My favorite version though is the King's final goodbye at the Theater of Dreams, Old Trafford. Liam Gallagher - Once - Video Tribute to ERIC CANTONA- Short Film - YouTube
Welcome back Oasis! Football misses you still Eric! Always wear your collar up.
"You can change your wife, your politics, your religion, but never, never can you change your football team" - Eric Cantona.