Military Memorabilia
Military Memorabilia
I recently had an opportunity to purchase a real photo postcard that I think is Patton's first card. As this was super early in his Military career, Patton wasn't even listed on the card.
I found the original image in the El Paso Morning Times: Aug. 26, 1914: Warm Welcome by General Pershing For Villa and Obregon in El Paso. Attached also are the names of all the famous people in the photo/card.
This predates his 1950 Topps Freedom War by 36 years and the US involvement in WW1 by 3 years.
The history and military tradition of the challenge coin can be traced back to WWI. As the story goes, a young U.S. pilot was shot down behind enemy lines, taken as a prisoner, and stripped of all his belongings, save a small medallion. The medallion was commissioned and gifted to him by his wealthy flight squadron commander on the eve of battle. He would escape captivity and later be apprehended by French commandos, who mistook him for a German saboteur. Remembering his medallion, the pilot was able to prove his American identity when the French forces recognized his squadron’s insignia on the coin. His life was saved and he returned to his brothers in arms. La fin.
During WWII and beyond, coins were often carried by soldiers and sailors for identification purposes and to provide a sense of unity. Now challenge coins are used to commemorate career milestones and the completion of special assignments. They are tangible reminders of shared struggle and sacrifice that strengthen the bonds of military service. A unique flavor of collectible!
P.s. you don’t want to get caught without one when the bar tab comes due 😂