Check out a couple of the amazing auctions ending soon though COMC Auctions onย eBay!,sh,fa,i100 COMC has something for every type of collector! There is no better place to consign your trading cards. Submit your cards today!
Wow it's been a month now since the Topps Mercury Victory Wembanyama set has been released and we've seen tons of 1/1 pulls throughout the month. This is the first Wemby and Lebron dual auto to be publicly pulled. I'm shocked it took this long. There are four /5 and 1/1 still out there. I'll expect this card to auctioned off at Goldin.
Fresh off their first game, the first father and son duo in the NBA now have their debut dual card release. You will have a chance to receive this 1/1 dual auto with the new Topps Now release.