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Aug 3

Babe Ruth "Called Shot" 1932 World Series Jersey Authentication Explained

Heritage Auction currently has the Babe Ruth game worn "Called Shot" 1932 World Series Jersey on sale this month, with estimates it being worth $30mill.

I stumbled across this video, which goes through how the MeiGray Group authenticated the jersey to that exact game. Previously, this jersey was not authenticated to the game, so they had to put in the work to confirm. They reference a ton of images of the game and carefully examined the jersey to conclude it was an exact match.

Check out 12:36 - 19:30 to listen how Barry Meisel (COO of MeiGray Group) explains the process.

Very interesting stuff.




Babe Ruth

Heritage Auctions

Transparent PSA Updates

PSA President, Ryan Hoge, mentioned on The Geoff Wilson Show that PSA is implementing ”graders notes” on cards that come back in anything lower than a PSA 10. And they plan to provide photo matching services as part of their PSA/DNA authentication process.
More transparency from BigGrading is a win for Hobbyists!

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Community is the most powerful and is being neglected

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Community is the most valuable component of the Collectibles industry & Why Authentication is Key to Unleashing the Powe...

The community is the heart of collectibles. The passion of collecting, the stories, the chase, and the time spent becomes the lifeblood of what collectibles so meaningful and valuable, both to a personal collector, but also as an asset.

I wrote a piece on Community. In my view Community is the reason the industry is as big as it is today and the why their is value in the collectibles industry. Fans are the hub to the athletes, sports, teams, and they create the most powerful content that blends emotions, memories, and captured in a singular item.

Nothing I've ever seen in any industry has this power. But I think the industry is doing a dis-service to the community. There needs to be more focus on rewarding the community vs. a lot of the efforts targeting the top spenders. It's the kid who finds a blaster box and hits a Trout /1 or Messi /1 that dreams to be that player when she/he grows up. Why isn't there more focus on this and the journey, the story of the card and WHO the person who hits it?

To me they are the star. I think there are some interesting companies that are hoping to "authenticate'" the experience and to me, this is very exciting. I think authenticating experience provides power to all those who contributed to it--breakers, viewers, the person who hit, and ultimately the athlete. Having it verified can potentially give all those involved more agency.

I wrote a piece about this opportunity and one company that is trying to solve it. In disclosure, I'm involved with them to help make authentication of experiences a reality.

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Michael Jordan rookie grading at PSA

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Wow- I can't decide what's more impressive here- that there are still THAT many raw MJ rookies floating around, or that so many circulating are fake?

Zero chance I'd ever buy a raw one. Just can't trust anything these days...

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